
Urban Dictionary Definitions

I don't spend much time online, as my severe lack of posts indicates, so when I ran across this website it was pretty obvious I was not the first to stumble across it's pages. Now that I think about it, I am sure I've heard a few references to it.

Any way, I decided to look up some words (on urban dictionary, oops, forgot to mention) and found the definitions pretty damn funny, for example did you know that 'famine underwear' are the underwear you wear when you haven't done laundry in weeks? And that they can be determined by a loss of elasticity, holes, stains, and are usually 5-10 years old? Or that a 'bitchen' is a room in which the bathroom is located in the kitchen?

As I was looking around, I remembered a friend telling me the definition of her name from the site and decided to look up my own...of course there was the MDMA definition at the top of the list, but reading on I found myself laughing at the stupid, yet sadly accurate definitions...I suggest looking up your own name, if you're bored, or at work, or killing time, or tired of facebook, or for whatever other reason people get online and look at silly things. Any who, I suggest it.

1 comment:

Camp Creek Chronicles said...

Look up any way. It is one word.